PAMIC Pulse Quarterly Magazine

The Pulse is a mutual insurance industry publication that aims to help companies understand emerging issues. Articles in the Pulse offer advice on how to grow and protect business. The impact of the Pulse reaches throughout the Mid-Atlantic states through readers from our many member companies.
The Pulse is printed four times a year. Each edition represents the changing of a season. Companies are welcome to advertise through the Pulse. Advertisements can be traditional or interactive. Traditional ads are placed directly into the magazine based on the advertisers preferred size. Interactive ads are more flexible and are included in the digital version of the publication. Interactive ads include scroll-over banners, videos, and interactive graphics. These advertising opportunities are valuable chances to support the industry and be placed directly in front of the eyes of our membership.
Submitting an article to PAMIC or agreeing for PAMIC to use the article allows PAMIC to publicly release the article PAMIC members. PAMIC reserves the right to include or exclude any materials submitted. All materials released in the PAMIC Pulse must have previous approval of republishing. All marketed materials must be linked to either the full PAMIC Pulse magazine or the PAMIC website.
Contact our Advertising Specialist
Joe Beahm
717-238-5751 x124