PAMIC Publications Listing
Listed below are all publications PAMIC has released. Please click on the publication below to view the rest of the materials.
The Pulse is a mutual insurance industry publication that aims to help companies understand emerging issues. Articles in the Pulse offer advice on how to grow and protect business. The impact of the Pulse reaches throughout the Mid-Atlantic states through readers from our many member companies.
The PAMIC Annual Reports provide the information needed for our annual board meeting at Convention.
The PAMIC 360 publication is a bi-weekly newsletter sent to all PAMIC members. This newsletter contains important information for members to keep updated on such as, member updates, PAMIC updates, industry news, PA Bulletin information and regulatory and legislative updates.
After each event and webinar, PAMIC will post the materials able to be shown for member and attendee use.
PAMIC history dates back to the early 1900’s. Take a look at the archived reports to see how long PAMIC has been working with your company.