Online Trainings — Pennsylvania Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

Online Trainings

Education is one of the founding pillars of our organization, and we take pride in offering high-quality education year round. PAMIC has partnered with the Institutes and Enquiron to provide 24/7 training to our members at a discounted rate.

PAMIC Institutes

PAMIC has partnered with The Institutes to leverage the collective purchasing power of our members to make professional development more affordable.  By enrolling in The Institutes knowledge solutions through the PAMIC learning management portal, most members can access discounts that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to.

 As the knowledge partner that best provides educational activities related to risk management and property-casualty insurance, The Institutes have been meeting the public’s changing insurance needs with customer-driven products and services for more than 100 years. By offering innovative educational, research, networking and career resource solutions, we prepare people to fulfill their professional and ethical responsibilities and empower risk management and insurance professionals to help those in need.

The Institutes offer a wide variety of risk management and insurance courses, programs and professional development opportunities to fill knowledge gaps at any level and in a variety of functional areas

To access the PAMIC Institutes, you will need login information. Each company has a learning administrator who controls the approval of coursework. 

Law, Human Resources and Cyber Center

As a part of PAMIC's member services, we are happy to offer access to the Law, Human Resource and Cyber Center. Members can use this tool to discover pertinent information as it related to human resources including education, handouts and build your own employee handbook or to gain 24/7 legal advice from Enquiron's network of legal professionals. 

These services are specifically designed to help avoid human resource-related errors, which can be expensive both in terms of time and money. Enquiron makes it easy for members to get answers to questions about wage and hour, hiring, termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and a long list of other HR topics so they can better focus on running their businesses.


As a benefit of PAMIC membership, you and your family will get free access to Personal Legal Protection (PLP), a service that uses technology to create all your most essential legal documents. These include writing your will or power of attorney, creating a healthcare directive or protecting your property with a lease.

New to the P&C market, PLP has been designed by Epoq to enable any size of insurer to provide an insuretech offering that goes beyond insurance and makes legal assistance convenient and affordable for members. Epoq supports over 25 major insurers worldwide and its technology saves 3 million P&C policyholders over $262m in legal fees.

PLP can be sold alongside policies as an opt-out endorsement to generate revenue. It can also be embedded as a free benefit in order to differentiate and improve retention.

More information on how the service can benefit mutuals and their members can be found at
